• S, age 26

    Since working with Dr. P, I have experienced significant personal growth and have been able to work through challenges I thought would be impossible to overcome.

    I have tried many other methods of treatment for improvement of mental health symptoms however, Emotional Updating has been the only method that has shown me results where I no longer deal with things such as anxiety, which I’ve been trying to work through for years.

    Emotional Updating has given me valuable and easy-to-use tools, so I have the ability to work on issues troubling me presently, on my own time and in my own space. Having the power to be able to correct limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your reality is one of the most liberating feelings, and I am so grateful to have come across a health practitioner that truly puts the power in your hands.

    I have recommended Dr. P to several of my friends and family and will continue spreading the word of his wonderful work. Dr. P’s passion for this field is shown through his respect and kindness towards his clients, as he genuinely cares about the well being of individuals who suffer from various types of ailments impacting their ability to live life optimally.

  • J, age 43

    To say that working with Dr. Peter Hercules and his Emotional Updating techniques changed my life is an understatement. I had been through an extremely stressful time in recent years and I felt lost. My health was showing the effects of that stress and I didn’t want to just put a band-aid on it, I wanted to heal from within.

    When a trusted friend shared her experience, I knew that it was exactly what I needed. Dr. Hercules is very kind and professional and explains every step, in detail. I knew that I was in good hands.

    The results I experienced were subtle at first but I can look back now after a few short months and I see how far I have come and how different my thoughts, my choices, my life has become. I feel stronger, more confident and more comfortable in my own skin than I ever remember feeling. My life is still stressful but I am handling that stress much differently now.

    Emotional Updating is an incredibly powerful technique and I would recommend it to anyone. We all have healing to do. I am so grateful to have found Dr. Hercules.

  • T, age 23

    When I first saw Dr. Hercules, I was lost in my anxiety and personal worries. Within the first few sessions, Dr, Hercules was able to make me understand the reasoning behind my anxious responses and, via Emotional Updating, help me update or fix the unwanted feelings that led to these responses.

    I have found myself to have become more assertive, confident, and calm with his Emotional Updating technique. I would like to thank Dr. Hercules for all his help.

  • C, age 64

    My Emotional Updating sessions with Dr Hercules have changed my life in a very positive way.

    I no longer find my mind labouring over the negative past. I'm more confident, more directed and quite simply I'm a happier person.

  • L, age 51

    I began seeing Peter for some deep feelings of inadequacy. I was lacking self-confidence and self-worth, and I was unable to see any value in myself. Over a number of Emotional Updating sessions, I was slowly able to regain what I had lost. I was finally able to see my own value and understand what I had to offer myself and others. I was able to push aside negativity and start to believe in myself again. I became more confident and stronger, and the happiness that I once had returned. Later, he also helped me with some specific fears that no longer control my life.

    He is open, honest and very easy to talk to. He was willing to work with me on any issue that was affecting me in a warm, non-judgmental environment. He truly cares about his clients and only has their best interest at heart. I highly recommend his Emotional Updating services. He has returned me to that happy, content individual that I used to be. I cannot thank him enough.

  • E, age 39

    In March of 2019 my family physician referred me to Dr. Hercules to help deal with issues of PTSD, anxiety, and depression relating to my involvement in a horrific car accident.

    I was initially hesitant and anxious about participating in this kind of treatment, being aware there is skepticism surrounding unconscious techniques.

    My actual experience changed that perception. From the time of the initial meet and greet, Dr Hercules made me feel comfortable and confident in his abilities throughout each and every step of the process.

    His Emotional Updating method has allowed me to get better, to develop techniques for improving on my own, and to overcome the disabling psychological responses that had consumed my personal and work life daily.

    I would highly recommend Emotional Updating to anyone struggling with trauma and its repercussions.

  • M, age 48

    I was referred to Dr. Hercules by a very close friend.

    I approached Dr. Hercules mostly looking for someone who could help my son first. However, as explained by him, I would benefit from attending his Emotional Updating sessions and as I would feel better about myself and take control of many situations, I would see the impact that this would have on my family and this included my son.

    Certainly, I have seen and felt this impact on my "ship" as Dr. Hercules refers to each of our households.

    His empathy and objective view of the different situations and problems one encounters in life has made me a stronger person able to face difficult situations. I see the impact of my own transformation and how it benefits my family and myself.

    I describe Dr. Hercules as a very genuine professional whose dedication to his profession can really transform how people approach life, improving it in many positive aspects. He is a very good listener and puts issues into a very realistic perspective. His Emotional Updating sessions have helped me immensely to focus on important issues in my life, and also to let go of burdens that I no longer need or were obstructing me to live fully.


  • P, age 64

    I suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder for many years. This resulted in depression and anxiety to the point that I was taking antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications to control panic attacks.

    I saw a number of psychologists who offered great advice but no real change. I dreaded airline travel, social situations, suffered insomnia, the list went on. The medication was not working as anticipated - my situation was getting worse not better.

    Last year I was referred by my family doctor to see Dr Peter Hercules. After the second Emotional Updating session, I began to feel better. By my 4th session (week 2) I stopped all medication. That’s a year ago.

    Today I feel normal, don’t have any anxiety, and have learned how to process and get rid of negative thoughts and feelings instantly.

    Dr Hercules’ Emotional Updating allows you to access your subconscious and enables you to break and eliminate your cycle of negative triggers.

    It is remarkable. It is not traumatic. You progress at your own pace - but for me, it worked quickly and so far, it feels like a permanent cure to a chronic and painful condition.

    I highly recommend Dr Hercules' Emotional Updating technique to anyone. Get your life back!

  • B, age 48

    It has now been a year that I have explored Emotional Updating with Dr. Hercules. I was skeptical at first, but open. I have long suffered from depression, anxiety and embedded self worth issues.

    Dr. Hercules’ Emotional Updating technique and professional demeanor swiftly encouraged a feeling of trust and safety. His patience, knowledge and execution of this process have been instrumental in my acceptance of this practice as a healing tool. The method he employs can be done with ease by oneself, when learned.

    I use this procedure 1-2 times per week between appointments. The results over this past year have been phenomenal. The issues that once plagued me and were easily triggered by outside influences have simply dissolved! They no longer hold the same intensity of emotion and reaction they once did!

    Dr. Hercules has been a key facilitator towards my mental health and wellness. I am so grateful for the service he provides and I advocate the effectiveness of Emotional Updating for anyone wishing to increase their wellness. It works!!

  • C, age 29

    I have tried many different types of therapy over the years to overcome symptoms of depression, anxiety and trauma but found little relief. Dr. Hercules’ Emotional Updating method has really helped me overcome obstacles that I thought I would have to deal with for the rest of my life.

    Through Emotional Updating, I was able to “update” or change how I respond to certain events or triggers and this has been so helpful in my day to day life and my road to recovery. Not only am I noticing that the symptoms of my mental health conditions have significantly reduced but I am also experiencing a reduction of physical symptoms linked to other physical disorders.

    I think that the best part about this technique is that it is something that you can learn to do and practice on your own. I therefore see it as an indispensable tool for self-care and a method that I will continue to practice to continue to improve my well bein

  • S, age 64

    Dr. Peter Hercules is so very knowledgeable. I find my favourite part about the sessions he conducts is that I gain knowledge or re-discovery about myself, my life, and how to live with my authentic self. Not to mention my body feeling completely balanced. His Emotional Updating sessions have taught me to continue these techniques on my own when encountering triggers, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Thanks Peter

  • A, age 41

    I came to Dr. Hercules as a woman full of hopelessness, anxiety and no self-confidence in every aspect of my life...after having several sessions of Emotional Updating, my life has changed...we realized that I have deep seated issues with self-worth, affirmation and that I kill “pain” with addictions that stem from different stages of my life ...he goes above and beyond to accommodate your needs by showing no judgment, expresses empathy and understanding and encourages you to become “the best version of yourself” that you strive to be...Dr. Hercules is professional, intuitive, and compassionate and I would highly recommend his services to any client.

  • S, age 58

    First, I made the decision I needed to see someone. Secondly, I followed through with a phone call. Thirdly, I put one foot in front of the other and walked through Dr. Hercules' door. I cannot emphasize the significance those three decisions have made in my life.

    Right from my first visit I felt welcomed, at ease, and that he would/could help me. With Dr. Hercules I wanted trust and honesty to be the foundation of our sessions. As a result, my life has shifted for the better.

    Through my Emotional Updating sessions with Dr. Hercules, I've become a much stronger person in that I believe/trust in myself more and I'm accepting that I am worthy. I'm also discovering who I am, who I want/could be and that yesterday is gone and that life's choices today are mine to make.

    As for the future, it's not an easy road. I have much work to do and like everything, will need to be maintained. With Dr. Hercules' intervention and my future independence, I look forward to my life's dance. Many thanks to Dr. Hercules for his compassion, patience, and his noble desire to help others.

  • N, age 55

    I have been seeing Dr..Peter Hercules for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression for over 6 months and having nothing but praise for his Emotional Updating technique and himself as a doctor. Dr. Hercules is patient, understanding, knowledgeable, and compassionate. He truly cares about you, your treatment and quality of life.

    I was very skeptical at first but once we started the process of addressing my out of date responses I immediately noticed and felt a shift, a difference in my life..Early childhood experiences as well as current day experiences have now been resolved and no longer plague my mind. Currently I continue to seek his assistance and hope to one day become free of prescribed medication and live a calm, confident, happy life. I trust with his Emotional Updating technique and guidance I will certainly achieve this.

  • E, age 69

    Dr. Hercules has introduced me to Emotional Updating and the power of the unconscious mind. As a result, I have learned to leave behind troublesome, negative emotions from my past. Truly life changing for me! Thank you Dr. Hercules!

  • F, age 48

    Dr. Hercules - I have tried your Emotional Updating technique a couple of times on my own. I can do it on my own now. I would like to take this opportunity and thank you for being a huge positive impact in my life. Meeting with you changed my perspective on my past life experiences and taught me how to rewire my mind and move on.

  • L, age 48

    I have been working with Dr. Hercules doing Emotional Updating for just over 3 months now and can honestly say it's changing my life.

    I was first introduced by a client of my own and being curious, I thought I would see what this treatment was all about. I had also just relapsed after 5 years of sobriety.

    During the first appointments with Dr. Hercules it was clearly explained to me how this method works and my many questions were answered.

    I feel after only three months of treatment, I have achieved more than the several years of therapy and rehab I have endured!

    I feel generally happy, like I have never felt before. Like a huge weight has been lifted!

    I think the best part is I don't look at alcohol the same way I used to (even after 5 years sober). I don't feel uncomfortable being in a room or at a family function where there is alcohol around me! That to me is unbelievable!

    I look forward to my weekly appointments and can't wait to become the person I always imagined I could be!

  • R, age 58

    Dr. Hercules is a talented therapist, and a man of deep caring and integrity who has helped me at a fundamental level. For the past 40 years I have suffered from depression and have been on antidepressant medication. I have been helped by cognitive behavioural therapy in the past but found it to be painful and generally a long process to solve issues. Eventually, I gave up. I have been seeing Dr. Hercules for approximately one year, once a week. I can honestly say that his Emotional Updating technique works.

    The beauty of his method is that I have the power to heal myself within me – Dr. Hercules “simply” points the way, lighting a clear path to alleviate suffering. With his series of questions, he gently directs the subconscious to use the resources that are innate to us all to solve our own issues. In this way, Emotional Updating has been a profoundly empowering experience for me.

    I believe that his method is revolutionary in its ability to alleviate pain because it is so simple, yet so effective. He has tapped into, and refined, a technique that I believe can, and should, be used by all doctors to help their patients. I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to be a client of Dr. Hercules.