Advancing Emotional Fitness with Emotional Updating



A Comprehensive Guide to Therapy Alternatives:
Comparison of Emotional Updating to CBT,EMDR, Brainspotting, and More

Take a deep dive into the Emotional Updating technique, exploring how it helps people address emotional distress, and how it contrasts with other emotional wellness methodologies. In this 6-part article we provide detailed comparisons of Emotional Updating with various therapy options, shedding light on how this innovative approach stands out in the realm of mental wellness interventions.



Part 1
Untrigger yourself from past trauma:
An In-Depth Look at Emotional Updating


Emotional Updating, developed by Dr. Peter Hercules in 1987, is a transformative mental technique that allows people to untrigger themselves by updating their emotional responses stemming from past traumas.

This technique focuses on the unconscious mind, contrasting with many common options that concentrate on emotional healing through conscious awareness and coping strategies. At its core, Emotional Updating acknowledges that most emotional reactions, particularly those from traumatic experiences, are beyond our conscious control. These responses, often formed in past situations where they had a protective role, may now be outdated and unhelpful. Emotional Updating provides a pathway to identify, evaluate, and revise these unconscious emotional responses, realigning them with our current needs and environments.



Core Tenets of Emotional Updating:
The Foundational Mechanisms

Central to Emotional Updating is the concept of "out-of-date" emotional responses. These are reactions - often understood as “triggers” - that once served a protective purpose but now disrupt our present life. The Emotional Updating process involves recognizing these outdated responses and replacing them with reactions that better suit our present circumstances.



Unconscious Mind Engagement

  • Emotional Updating works by accessing the unconscious mind, acknowledging that it is the storehouse of our deepest emotional responses and memories.

  • This engagement is crucial for achieving genuine and lasting change, as it addresses the root causes of emotional distress.

Updating Out-of-Date Responses

  • Central to this method is the process of identifying and updating "out-of-date" emotional responses that no longer serve the individual's present needs or circumstances.

  • The process enables people to replace their outdated reactions with more appropriate and beneficial responses, aligning their emotional reactions with their current reality.

Self-Empowerment Through Independence

  • A key aspect of Emotional Updating is empowering individuals to practice the technique on their own, fostering autonomy and control over their emotional well-being.

  • This self-practice aspect ensures that individuals can continue their healing journey independently, making Emotional Updating a sustainable practice for life-long emotional resilience.



Detailed Overview of Emotional Updating:
How It Works

Emotional Updating is a structured yet flexible process that involves several key steps and components, designed to facilitate deep emotional healing. Through a standardized technique that traces triggered responses to their root cause, individuals can transform their emotional landscape from within.



Connecting With The Unconscious Mind

A facilitator - either a trained practitioner or an app - guides individuals through the Emotional Updating process, helping them access their unconscious mind using relaxation techniques. Communication with the unconscious mind is established using ideomotor signals, like finger movements, allowing a non-verbal exchange of information. The technique utilizes the concept of the 'Affect Bridge' to trace back the current emotional responses to their original traumatic events, even if these are not consciously remembered. This engagement allows for a direct and profound change at the root level of emotional responses.

The Updating Process

Once the unconscious mind is engaged, individuals go through a standardized series of Yes/No questions. This algorithmic approach helps identify and update the outdated emotional responses. Through this process, the unconscious mind actively performs the following steps in real-time, directed by the responses to the Yes/No questions:

  • Identify the outdated emotional response that needs updating and trace the feelings associated with this response back to the original traumatic experience.

  • Understand the feelings and the reasons behind them by reviewing the traumatic experience.

  • Utilize your current resources and understanding to address these feelings and reasons.

  • Consult the unconscious mind to determine if the old feelings are still necessary for protection. If the old feelings are deemed unnecessary, find a way to let go of them.

  • Revisit the traumatic experience to ensure the feelings have been updated.

  • The updated emotional response then becomes the new, automatic reaction to the trigger.

Learnability & Independence

Emotional Updating is designed to be a learnable skill. Once individuals are familiar with the process, they can apply it independently, using an app designed to guide them through the algorithm. This empowers individuals to manage their emotional well-being independently, reducing reliance on external support.

Applications of Emotional Updating

Emotional Updating is a versatile tool that can be used to address emotional fitness in a variety of ways:

  • Reactive Use: Individuals can apply the technique soon after encountering a trigger, updating their response in real-time.

  • Proactive Use: Before facing a known trigger, individuals can preemptively update their responses, preparing themselves for a healthier reaction.

  • Habitual Use: Regularly practicing Emotional Updating can help individuals continuously refine their emotional responses, maintaining emotional fitness and resilience.



A Flexibile Tool For Enhanced Emotional Fitness:
Benefits of Emotional Updating

People who use Emotional Updating experience a wide array of benefits, contributing to an enhanced quality of life and emotional resilience. Countless people have transformed their lives through this technique, addressing issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-worth, and they now navigate life empowered to optimize their emotional fitness.



Reduced Emotional Distress

As individuals update their outdated emotional responses, they often experience a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other forms of emotional distress. Because their old, out-of-date responses have been removed and replaced with new, healthy responses, people no longer need to avoid, suffer, or cope with the emotional distress of outdated responses.

Holistic Healing

Instead of focusing solely on specific traumatic memories that people may recall in present day, Emotional Updating can address the entire spectrum of emotional responses for which people may or may not consciously remember the original traumatizing event. This provides for a comprehensive transformation that addresses the trigger at its roots, even if they happened early in life - including neonatal or prenatal experiences.

Enhanced Emotional Management

Individuals learn to identify and update their emotional responses, which leads to improved management of their emotional reactions. This enhanced control fosters greater emotional resilience, allowing people to respond to life's situations more adaptively.

Universal Approach

Unlike other techniques that might require different approaches for different issues, Emotional Updating is a generic method applicable to any outdated emotional response, making it a versatile and broadly applicable tool.

Comfortable process

Emotional Updating does not typically involve intense reliving of past trauma, allowing for a more comfortable way of tackling challenging issues. Oftentimes people do not consciously recall the trauma they are processing, and if/when they do, it typically does not have a invoke significant emotional discomfort.

Lifelong Emotional Fitness Tool

Once mastered, Emotional Updating becomes a skill that people can use independently, whenever needed. This self-sufficiency not only promotes ongoing emotional fitness but also reduces reliance on external interventions.



Emotional Updating:

Emotional Updating stands out as a unique and empowering approach in the realm of mental wellness.

By focusing on the unconscious roots of emotional responses and offering a solution for self-directed healing, it provides a comprehensive and sustainable path to emotional resilience. This method not only addresses the symptoms of emotional distress but also targets the underlying causes, offering a deep and lasting solution for those seeking to enhance their emotional well-being.


Part 2
Exploring CBT Alternatives:
A Comparative Analysis of CBT and Emotional Updating


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on altering negative thought and behavior patterns to address current mental health issues. It requires patients to identify and actively engage with these patterns through various techniques. CBT has been applied across a range of psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression, and is recognized for its structured approach to problem-solving in the present moment.



Managing Symptoms Through Thought and Behavior Modification:
How CBT Works

In CBT, the goal is to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to emotional distress and unhealthy behaviors. The therapist and individual work together to explore these patterns, to develop coping strategies, and implement positive changes in thinking and behavior.



Active Engagement: Patients engage actively in identifying and modifying their thought patterns and behaviors through various exercises.

Skill-Building: Techniques like role-playing, thought recording, and problem-solving are employed to develop coping strategies.

Homework Assignments: Patients apply what they've learned in therapy to their daily lives, reinforcing the lessons and promoting change.

Exposure Therapy: This technique is often used for anxiety disorders, where patients are gradually exposed to their fears in a controlled and systematic way to reduce fear and avoidance behaviors.

Cognitive Restructuring: This involves identifying and challenging irrational or maladaptive thoughts and replacing them with more rational and adaptive thinking.



Transcending The Need To Cope:
Comparing CBT & Emotional Updating

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Emotional Updating take distinctly different roads to healing. While CBT equips individuals with tools to cope with their unwanted thoughts and behaviors, Emotional Updating dives deeper, addressing the root causes of emotional distress directly at the unconscious level and releasing the emotional distress altogether.



Scope of Methodology

  • CBT focuses on conscious thought and behavior modification to power through emotional discomfort.

  • Emotional Updating address the roots of emotional distress, healing the trauma directly instead of employing tools and tricks for coping with it.

Technique Complexity

  • CBT involves a variety of techniques and exercises tailored to specific problems.

  • Emotional Updating uses a uniform method applicable across different issues, simplifying the healing process.

Symptom Management

  • CBT's approach of managing symptoms is through behavioral and cognitive pattern changes.

  • Emotional Updating works by eliminating the source of emotional distress entirely, so the discomfort is removed altogether and thus no longer requiring symptom management.


  • CBT is heavily reliant on on-going therapeutic sessions with a practitioner.

  • Emotional Updating empowers individuals with a tool they can apply independently, fostering self-sufficiency and on-going emotional fitness.

Comfort Of Approach

  • CBT directly confronts traumatic memories, which can intensify distress.

  • Emotional Updating gently modifies responses via the unconscious mind, avoiding direct trauma exposure.



CBT vs Emotional Updating:

While CBT provides strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and behaviors, Emotional Updating offers a unique and profound alternative by directly updating the unconscious emotional responses so the discomfort is no longer there.

Emotional Updating’s generic technique, once learned, can be applied to any issue, focusing on healing the root cause rather than just managing symptoms, thereby providing a comprehensive and lasting solution for emotional well-being.


Part 3
Exploring EMDR Alternatives:
A Comparative Analysis of EMDR and Emotional Updating


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy designed to help people recover from trauma and distressing life experiences. It involves the client focusing on a traumatic memory while experiencing bilateral stimulation, typically through side-to-side eye movements guided by a therapist.



Managing Trauma Through Sensory Engagement:
How EMDR Works

EMDR’s treatment focuses on allowing patients to engage actively with their traumatic memories through controlled sensory input, which can involve following hand movements or listening to alternating sounds. By accessing and reprocessing these memories, individuals can experience relief from emotional distress and symptoms related to past traumas.



Bilateral Stimulation: A trained therapist guides the client to move their eyes back and forth, which is thought to help the brain process traumatic memories.

Focused Recall: Clients concentrate on a specific traumatic memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation, helping to reduce the memory's emotional charge.

Positive Cognition Reinforcement: After processing the traumatic memory, clients work on associating the memory with positive beliefs and thoughts.

Body Awareness: Clients pay attention to their physical responses after processing the memory, aiding in full integration of the experience.



Reaching Beyond Conscious Memories:
Comparing EMDR & Emotional Updating

While both EMDR and Emotional Updating are designed to help individuals overcome trauma, they employ fundamentally different approaches to achieve improved emotional fitness.




  • EMDR processes a specific trauma that is associated with a specific conscious memory via a focus on eye movements.

  • Emotional Updating uses the unconscious mind to identify and modify outdated emotional responses, so even if the person doesn’t have a concious memory of the where their emotional distress comes from, they’re still able to heal the discomfort.


  • EMDR aims to lessen the emotional intensity of memories.

  • Emotional Updating seeks to completely update the emotional response, eliminating the discomfort altogether, and thus the need for coping strategies.

Direct Engagement

  • EMDR use an indirect method to access the unconscious via eye movements.

  • Emotional Updating provides direct access to the unconscious, targeting the root cause of emotional responses.


  • EMDR is a process which typically involves a therapist.

  • Emotional Updating empowers individuals with a self-administered technique that can be learned and practiced independently.



EMDR vs Emotional Updating:

While EMDR is highly effective for processing specific traumatic memories, allowing for emotional relief, Emotional Updating offers a unique advantage by focusing on present-day feelings and behaviors.

By concentrating on the emotions and reactions experienced in the present, Emotional Updating enables a more accessible and flexible path to emotional well-being. This makes Emotional Updating a particularly versatile and user-friendly alternative to the targeted memory approach of EMDR, especially for early childhood traumas that may not be consciously remembered.


Part 4
Exploring Brainspotting 
A Comparative Analysis of Brainspotting and Emotional Updating


Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique that uses the field of vision to locate points in the visual field that help access unprocessed trauma in the brain. It's predicated on the notion that where you look affects how you feel, enabling therapists to tap into the brain's self-healing capacities.



Navigating Trauma Through Visual Cues:
How Brainspotting Works

During a session, clients are guided to find spots in their visual field that trigger emotional responses, facilitating a deep neurological process to release built-up trauma.



Finding the Brainspot: The therapist guides the client to locate points in their visual field that correlate with emotional distress.

Dual Attunement: The therapist forms a strong, empathetic bond with the client, tuning into their emotional and brain responses to foster a supportive healing setting.

Processing and Releasing: Clients focus on their brainspot while processing associated emotions and memories, leading to the release of stored trauma.



Targeting the Unconscious Directly:
Comparing Brainspotting & Emotional Updating

Emotional Updating and Brainspotting offer distinct paths to healing: the former updates deep-seated emotional responses at the unconscious level, while the latter accesses and processes trauma through targeted visual cues.



Focus Area

  • Brainspotting concentrates on specific points in the visual field to process trauma.

  • Emotional Updating works directly with the unconscious mind, addressing the root cause of emotional distress regardless of its origin.

Technique Specificity

  • Brainspotting requires the identification of specific visual cues associated with trauma

  • Emotional Updating uses a generic technique that can be applied consistently across different emotional issues.

Mechanism of Action

  • Brainspotting is based on the idea that eye positions are connected to neural and emotional experiences, focusing on releasing trauma through visual fixation.

  • Emotional Updating engages the unconscious to update specific outdated emotional responses, offering a holistic and root-level healing approach.

Empowerment and Autonomy

  • Brainspotting is generally facilitated by a therapist.

  • Emotional Updating empowers individuals with a technique they can learn to use independently, fostering self-reliance in managing emotional well-being.



Brainspotting vs Emotional Updating:

While Brainspotting provides a novel approach to accessing and processing trauma through visual cues, Emotional Updating offers a broader, more versatile method that equips individuals with a universal tool for addressing various emotional challenges.

By directly updating the unconscious emotional responses, Emotional Updating transcends the specificity of trauma processing via visual cues, providing a comprehensive framework for building emotional fitness and resilience.


Part 5
Exploring Neurofeedback 
A Comparative Analysis of Neurofeedback and Emotional Updating


Neurofeedback is a technique where individuals learn to change their brain activity through real-time feedback, often using EEG (electroencephalogram–a test that measures electrical activity in the brain). It's like a workout for the brain, where through repeated sessions, people learn to enhance brain function, which can affect their mental states and behaviors.



Brainwave Analysis:
How Neurofeedback Works

Neurofeedback utilizes EEG technology to monitor brainwave activity and provide real-time feedback to help individuals self-regulate their brain function. By training the brain to optimize its performance, neurofeedback aims to enhance cognitive abilities and focus, manage stress, and promote well-being.



Brain Wave Monitoring: Individuals watch their brain activity on a screen, usually through EEG, to understand their typical patterns.

Real-Time Feedback: As they engage in various tasks or relaxation techniques, they receive feedback on their brain waves, learning to adjust them.

Skill Acquisition: Over time, users learn to control certain aspects of their brain function, aiming to improve focus, reduce anxiety, or other targeted outcomes.


Transforming from Within:
Comparing Neurofeedback & Emotional Updating

Emotional Updating and Neurofeedback both address mental health, but they take different approaches: Emotional Updating focuses on modifying unconscious responses, while Neurofeedback involves consciously adjusting brain activity.



Technological vs. Internal Approach

  • Neurofeedback relies on external technology to guide brain changes.

  • Emotional Updating is an internal process, using one's own mind and internal resources to address and update emotional responses.

General vs. Specific Application

  • Neurofeedback can be tailored to specific brain wave patterns or regions.

  • Emotional Updating is a universal technique that can be applied across various emotional issues without the need for customization.

Dependence vs. Independence

  • Neurofeedback typically requires on-going sessions with specialized equipment.

  • Emotional Updating empowers individuals with a method they can apply independently after learning the technique.



Neurofeedback vs Emotional Updating:

While Neurofeedback provides a technology-based avenue for improving brain function and indirectly influencing emotional states, Emotional Updating offers a direct, versatile approach to managing emotional well-being independently.

By teaching individuals to address the root causes of their emotional responses, Emotional Updating fosters autonomy and lasting change, providing a powerful alternative to technology-dependent methods.


Part 6
Final Thoughts on Mastering Triggers:
Addressing Trauma with Emotional Updating and Beyond


Throughout this article, we've explored a variety of trauma healing methods, each with their unique approaches. Emotional Updating, however, distinctly excels due to its inherent strengths:



Healing, Not Coping: Unlike many therapies that focus on managing symptoms, Emotional Updating aims to fundamentally change emotional reactions to triggers.

Deep Unconscious Work: This technique taps directly into the unconscious, allowing for modifications at the source without requiring detailed knowledge of the trauma.

Empowerment Through Learning: Emotional Updating equips individuals with the skills to manage their emotional responses independently, reducing reliance on outside support.


Emotional Updating not only serves as a comprehensive stand-alone solution but also complements other therapeutic approaches, enhancing its versatility.

Whether used as the primary method or part of a broader strategy, Emotional Updating offers robust, empowering, and lasting benefits for emotional fitness.


My Journey From Medicine to Emotional Fitness


Step By Step