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Featured Presentation:
Join Vivir at the Los Angeles Yoga Expo!
Discover how to transform your emotional well-being with the Vivir Emotional Fitness Institute at this year’s Yoga Expo. Stop by our exhibit to explore our program, meet Dr. Hercules, and pick up some thoughtful gifts designed to inspire your journey toward emotional fitness.
Featured Presentation:
Learn to Untrigger Yourself: An Introduction to Emotional Updating
1:10pm-2:00pm • Room A
Take the first step in understanding how to untrigger yourself with Vivir Emotional Institute’s Emotional Updating technique. This presentation introduces the principles behind Vivir’s proprietary approach, showing you that you don’t have to avoid, cope, or suffer from emotional distress caused by outdated responses. Learn how Emotional Updating works, why it matters, and how it can help you move toward greater emotional fitness and well-being.