Vivir is a personal growth organization dedicated to helping people reclaim their lives from past trauma. At the core of our program is Emotional Updating, our proprietary mental technique to change triggered emotional responses due to trauma.

Emotional Updating is an innovative method developed by our founder, Dr. Peter Hercules, to address post-traumatic triggered emotional responses. It is an unconscious mental technique that works by identifying triggered responses, understanding their origins, and then updating them, so people no longer need to avoid, cope, or suffer from the emotional distress these responses previously caused.

Unlike traditional approaches for addressing trauma that may dwell on reliving past events or rely heavily on pharmaceutical interventions, the Emotional Updating technique focuses on updating present day triggered emotional responses to align with current realities, fostering emotional fitness and resilience. Countless people have transformed their lives through this technique, addressing issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-worth, allowing them to navigate life empowered to optimize their emotional fitness.

Our aim at Vivir is to propagate the benefits of Emotional Updating and our broader mission of enhancing emotional fitness to as many people as possible. Our program involves live one-on-one video conferencing sessions with clients to teach them the Emotional Updating technique and provide emotional fitness coaching services. We are committed to healing the impacts of trauma that affect everyone to varying degrees, spreading the message that enduring emotional distress from outdated responses is unnecessary. At Vivir, we want everyone to know that anyone who can be triggered can also learn to untrigger themselves, opening the door to a life of empowered emotional well-being.



Dr. Peter Hercules is a medical doctor with a broad range of experience throughout his more than forty-year career. Board-certified in Family Medicine in the USA and Canada, he has worked extensively as a family doctor and as an Emergency Room physician in various locations in both countries.

Early on in his career, Dr. Hercules recognized that emotional distress due to trauma plays a central role in the vast majority of medical conditions - both psychological and physical. 

To help his clients become healthy, Dr. Hercules realized that having effective means to address trauma-related disorders was essential.

Since 1987, he has spent tens of thousands of hours developing Emotional Updating, his own non-pharmacological therapeutic method to enable his medical clients to free themselves from their post-traumatic emotional distress.

Because everyone has had emotional trauma, Dr. Hercules believes that everyone could benefit from his method and is dedicated to making it as widely available as possible. 

For this reason, Emotional Updating is now being offered to the general public, outside of the structure of medicine, as a daily emotional fitness practice.


While many emotional support resources simply offer ways to mask or cope with challenging issues, our unique process truly heals your trauma at its core.

Our program aims for true transformation, allowing you to establish entirely new habits and attitudes for a radically different and improved life.

Change demands significant effort, dedication, and bravery. We understand the depth of self-actualization work and never diminish it with superficial positivity.


  • Using the Emotional Fitness technique you can improve and potentially eliminate the issues you wish to address by freeing yourself from the post-traumatic emotional discomfort causing or contributing to them.

  • No. When doing the Emotional Updating process, you are typically in a daydream-like state during which you are able to better access the information and processes of your unconscious mind. Most clients report being more alert than they had expected.

  • No. While doing the Emotional Updating process, although typically quite relaxed, you are always in control. The process in its entirety will be explained to you prior to doing anything to ensure that you are comfortable.

    Apart from general suggestions to encourage relaxation, this approach does not involve suggestion (unlike what one might encounter with other unconscious techniques). Instead, we use a question and answer format to help clients achieve change.

  • The Emotional Updating method focuses on helping people change learned limiting emotional responses from past traumatic experiences. These responses operate at an unconscious level within our minds. To most effectively change them, it is important to be able to directly access unconscious information and processes. Emotional Updating is a technique that does exactly that.

  • Your will meet with you Emotional Fitness Coach and they will ask you to explain the nature of your issues so that we can set objectives together for your sessions.

    They will provide you with a detailed explanation of the concepts behind and the process of the Emotional Updating method.

    Once you understand and are comfortable with the process, we will begin doing the Emotional Updating technique to address the changes you’d like to make.

  • While these other therapies can be helpful, our approach at Vivir has some definite advantages. The Emotional Updating technique addresses problems directly at an unconscious level which offers distinct benefits over more conscious options.

    These other therapies typically involve learning to cope with and manage learned post-traumatic responses. Our method on the other hand, enables one to eliminate dysfunctional responses at their root. As a result, coping with and managing emotional challenges becomes unnecessary. Furthermore, our method enables one to address issues due to trauma that occurred at any time in one’s life, even early childhood and prenatal trauma.



We’re not here to dwell on the past. We’re here to resolve lingering issues so we can build a positive life in the present.

We always work towards specific objectives to keep purpose and intentionality at the forefront.

The program is designed to establish and reinforce habitual practice, ideally 15 minutes per day, to help ensure consistent success.

Our goal is for everyone to master the updating process so they can practice independently whenever they need, for the rest of their lives.

We work to build healthy dynamics within your personal, romantic, family, and social realms for a holistic transformation.

The cultivation of self is an art that can never be perfected, just endlessly improved upon as life progresses.


Developed by a medical doctor, Dr. Peter Hercules, over 30+ years within his medical practice before expanding to non-clinical settings.

Our program is centered around Emotional Updating – our proprietary mental technique that allows people to permanently change maladaptive triggered emotional responses.

A non-pharmacological solution to common emotional issues that can work in conjunction with any clinical, therapeutic, and naturopathic treatments.